Netflix doesn't really do films, it does IDEAS for films, which it then neglects to develop into actual, y'know, films. This is a case in point. Decent/good cast, big budget - and ten minutes in you could pretty much write the entire script, scene by scene, for what follows is a string of CGI-based action sequences as shot by the bloke who makes Givenchy ads, all in 'exotic' locations (coz these are INTERNATIONAL super spies, geddit?), with not a single surprise or even a development. It reproduces every cliche of the genre, right down to facial expressions, and becomes so silly, so absurdly, tastelessly overblown, I actually became angry. Is this really the best producers can do? Could they maybe pretend that not everyone is this thick? By the end I was concerned that my IQ was falling dangerously low and, just before the finish, turned off.