Guys, I know many of you fifa players dont like the idea that a very famous video game like fifa could be rigged and scripted before you kick the ball. But, this is the truth, only blind stubborn people will not see scripting in Fifa 23, I mean they dont even hide it, all that just to please whoever stupid enough to pay them more to win.
I mean specifically in Fifa 23, the scripting is so obvious! I’ll give an example: it was 4-4 in the last minute of the game and I managed to have the ball and I’m free to run towards the goal but suddenly my player is refusing to sprint! Like literally deliberately not running. The game doesnt even care about how you wish to control your player.
I think this is it for EA games, finally it’s over! If EA games thinks people will keep playing their game then they will utterly be wrong, and bankrupt.