This book has changed our lives in a way we never understood before. If there is one book out there that will lead you to see the truth about your own condition yet also give you immediate hope looking to Christ under the guidance of His mighty Spirit, leading you into a much deeper study of His Word and more effective prayer life, this book is it! Get it! Read it! Admit with tears and pathos your true condition! Pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to fill your life that next moment! Have faith that Jesus will give you the power of His Spirit to lead you to obedience and full surrender to His Commandments. God is faithful to give you the Spirit more than you are good gifts to your children! Your life will never be the same my friend. Reading this book through 3 or 4 times, has put a greater desire to get more into the Word and His testimony. It has created more love for my best Friend-Jesus Christ which is proof the book is from the Lord.