This is a far departure from the first Suicide Squad. This movie was packed with an abundance of Action, Gruesome Kills, and Comedy. James Gunn did an amazing job in developing characters along the way.
This is not a slow movie by any means. The visuals are completely amazing and VIBRANT.
This was a star packed movie. *SPOILER ALERT* many of them and a Anti-Hero's fast pass to their deaths.
The cast was simply amazing.
Idris Elba - is amazing in this movie!
Margot Robbie - Yup! All I can say, there will NEVER be another Harley Quinn. Margot is stunning and a pure genius when portraying Harely.
Margot's solo movie Birds of Prey could have needed James Gunn's help to bring it all together... Needless We need more Margot as Harely.
David Dastmalchian - was incredibly funny in this movie. Kind of a sly underdog. Great comedic timing and talent.
King Shark aka Sly Stalone-- Perfect for this role. Barely understood him kind of like Groot. But Groot actually enunciates better than king shark. Oh well.
Rat Catcher2.... Tugs at your heart strings.. goodness she's brings balance to this crazy squad.
Finally John You Can See Me Cenaaaaaaaa!! Is top tier on this movie!!! He's knocking on Hollywood's A list's door with his delivery of Peace Maker.
You need to watch it. And do so several times it's a good and fun movie.