There aren't many animated movies I would rate five stars, only four others and they're all Dreamworks films. The How To Train Your Dragon Trilogy is something that in my mind, will never be beat. And the movie Abominable takes us on an adventure and introduces us to different characters. And for a good number of us, caused tears to fall. Dreamworks in my opinion has always been better with relatable emotional moments, as well as making movies aesthetically pleasing and realistic but fantastic to look at at the same time. At first I thought this was a Dreamworks film. Then I realized it wasn't, but who cares. I smiled, I cried, I laughed, this movie made me genuinely happy. And I guarantee you'll find me watching it again. You have the realistic coloring of Earth, and then they get to the moon and all of the sudden everything is neon and glowing. Philippa Soo was amazing as ever. And Ken Jeong was, well, Ken Jeong, who could hate him? I'd never heard of Cathy Ang, but her performance was flawless. All the songs were exceptionally beautiful. I have no bad things to say about it. Some may say it needed a villain. However, I feel the villain of the story is the grief that makes it feel impossible to move on. Which, I know how that feels. I've never really lost someone. But I have experienced grief. I've experienced being alone. And it's terrifying. Which is why overcoming it always feels amazing. I recommend this to any and everyone. It's a good movie for children who don't really know the true meaning. It's a relatable movie for older children as well as teens and adults who have felt grief. It's a genuinely wonderful movie with a wonderful cast, I recommend even if you're not a fan of musicals.