Used to be a valuable source of factual information. Some lady has taken over the main desk. Consistent interviews with conservative D.C. Politicians giving them overreaching opportunity to voice skewed and biased statements. Guess that's why PBS has been forced to include commercials for profit in programming, contributions must be down.
Recent episode is vast improvement included multiple international guest speakers and an recognized expert on One Party States of Government which included ominous parallels between historical fascist governments and the Republican Party current record of action and intent. Including alleged bribing of Religous Leaders to support the agenda of mythos just like historic fascists.
Raised a star. Again international speaker, a female minister of Chile. Where predominant cabinet members are female. A different view of going green.
Particularly after personal experience in college form a Professor after encountering research. That close to 90% of men when asked could only save spouse or children chose spouse and women chose children. A clear hormonal Priority. Men tend to be about the good NOW. Women tend to be about the FUTURE good.
USA House and Senate could benefit from more Women!!