Game is fun, leveling too slow to keep you thinking it has more replayability than it does, most of missions are generic so it needs the slow leveling system to keep people playing to try out the new guns and strategems, the server problem weeks after release still not being fixed is getting g to the point of unforgivable but they said they are working on it, still has plenty of bugs, not enemies but glitches lol, like if you get hit by the huge bug then every other bug even the little ones will knock you down and when you get up you will be stuck in the calling in a stratagem animation for a few seconds which can easily get you killed, I know if they don't add new enemies and if they don't constantly add new stratagems once you level max this game will get boring quick, also I still had players join my session when it was set to friends or inv only and they were no lifers who were already lvl 37 and 40 and they just wanted pvp, they don't have menu from game so you have to quit the game and get stuck trying to get back in, if you have friends and dont mind waiting thirty minutes to play on avg then it can be fun for a while but this game will prob be dead from numbers it has now in like a month or two. Just my opinion