°☆°Spoiler Squirt Alert°☆
Bulky "monster" silhouettes in the distance, random shots of "monster" hands grabbing/pulling people (Spirit Halloween-grade monster gloves)...basically the entire movie is the group walking, running, or squeezing through tight spaces with random stops to chat about their situation instead of, I dunno...maybe give the audience a general background of the characters lol.
None of the characters connect with the audience, it had potential to be a decent movie, like a modernized twist on Tremors, but lazy writing generated THIS. I've watched low-budget movies more entertaining than this.
Don't even get me started on the cinematography, the camera is ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! One scene had at least (exaggerating a bit atm lol) 60 different shots thrown at us. I was extremely frustrated with the scene where the group is running through a cave after falling through the floor whilst running from bulky "monster" shadows in the background. The costumes are SOOO BAD lol...anyways as the group is running the camera is shooting them then a random wall, then pans in on them squeezing through but the hue has changed but in the next shot its normal, then it decides to pan on steam...this continued for a solid 10min or so...completely pointless filler...
Bad writing.
Moderate acting.
Horrible/Disastrous cinematography.
Terrible directing.
Questionable costume department.
Low-grade/Effortless SFX creature design.