I was really excited to hear that Disney was making a real life version of Kim Possible. There were definitely some really good points, but some missed the mark for me. I really hope Disney takes all the fans critiques and makes another movie while taking the critiques into consideration. First and foremost, the set was spot on and blew me away! Definitely an A+ from me! The characters Kim, Ron, Drakken, and Mr. Bearden were incredible. Shego was a solid 8/10 from me. Her acting could be better but overall stayed true to character. Bonnie was absolutely terribly casted and Kim was a cheerleader NOT a soccer player. Whoever was in charge of dressing the characters needs to be fired. Kim wore sweatpants and crop toos to school, NOT a preppy wardrobe. I think her fighting gear should’ve stayed true to character and remained as close to the original as possible. But lastly, I hated Athena and was really upset that she was added as a character. I appreciate that Disney tried to make a new story, but I really wanted to see the same story but in real people form. Overall, I think they tried really hard and did a good job.