Love, Simon was a great coming of age/romance movie and it really made me think differently on things. I watched it with my cousins, and before I watched it I hate to admit I was sort of homophobic. I didn’t really think gay people were disgusting, per say, but I definitely didn’t get why they felt the need to come out or the type of discrimination they faced (I figured they were over reacting). After watching Love, Simon, however, it made me view the topic in a whole other light and realize how big of a piece of identity that is to some people and how much it can affect you. I also really appreciated the ending where everyone was cheering them on, compared to all the weird looks and the harassment he faced before for being gay. Honestly I didn’t have high hopes for this movie, and I even thought “who needs a gay teen movie” but after watching I can say that it helped me a lot, and I’m sure it helped others much more. So I’m giving it 5 stars, it was entertaining, had good characters/plot, and helped me view things a whole new way