He truly documented key events in his life in this "Bio-Pic." Going over his personal demons, fears, good times along with the bad which haunted him until his timely death on Christmas Day of 2016. Being a long time fan of WHAM! / George Micheal trying to follow his career and personal life was difficult with the limited resources. This was an eye opener for me to be able to piece together with what seemed confusing to me at the time. This documentary ties the knot and fills in a lot of blanks which he kept locked up to himself and his inner circle. You cannot help to wonder what his life would have been like had he been more open about who he truly was to the world and not to mention being honest to himself. As a performer his flamboyancy persona gave himself away but what he left behind may not have been a new generation of talent given his chosen life style. He left behind both a blueprint of his life in a documentary and three and half decade career's worth of music for us to remember his "voice of an angle" to feed our souls for generations.