As someone who has been reading Marvel comics since the mid-Sixties I have been very excited about most of the films produced by the Marvel cinematic universe. The rights to the Spider-man movie franchise are still owned by Sony and the Tom Holland Spider-man movies have been a collaboration between Sony and Marvel. This is the most successful partnership movie to date. The film is a fan boy's dream. It looks great, has lots of surprises, sports great action scenes, has a rich vein of humour but (and this is the anchor of the movie) it packs a real emotional wallop - and not just at the end! There are a number of scenes which will bring a lump to your throat. I don't want to talk about the plot which would ruin your enjoyment. However, you should stay until the end of the credits for a taster of the next Dr Strange movie which promises to be fantastic. Ironically, it is directed by Sam Raimi, who directed the Toby Maguire Spider-man trilogy.