An extremist liberal/ feminist propaganda wrapped in pink, shoved down the throat of parents and children who without doubt were staring at the silver screen in disbelief and utter horror. Probably the Mattel didn't care as long the sales went up.
It is still better as a propaganda piece, because as a movie, it's utterly unwatchable. I'm sure that Gosling and Robbie will leave this "masterpiece" out of their respective CVs. I know I would.
One might say that it's a satirical piece, exploring and drawing a caricature of consumerism and women/ men relationship. But it's much more sinister than that. Using the Barbie theme the creators piggy-backed their distorted black and white worldview straight into your kid's minds. Boys can be girls, fat is pretty, men are BAAAD, men are stupid, there's a bad patriarchy out there to get you... All these debated and debunked ideas now directy given to your kid, hidden neatly in a Barbie doll shaped Trojan Horse. Enjoy.
Ps. I thought it'd be a horror movie. Ironically it did turn out to be one, just not the way I expected.