Reference: episode number 62 Tamara...the 17 year old teen obsessed with beauty and perfection.
I watch Dr Phil regularly and value his professional interpretation, advice and help he provides his clients on the show. .However, this above mentioned show with the privileged 17 year old obsessed with herself left me hanging.
While Dr Phil did bring out the fact that what she spends on herself per month could feed hungry children, I don't think that was enough. My unanswered question would is this spoiled child being given the money to carry on such behavior in the first place? I would love to pamper my daughter in 1/4 of the way this child is allowed to pamper herself, but the issue of money stops me cold. This spending of money like this is outrageous when others are trying to survive on a daily basis.
I say, this did not happen overnight. She gets the money most likely from the family that now complains about her outlandish behavior. Whats up with that!!