I just finished playing Deltarune Chapter 1 with my sister. Before I get started; if you play this on the Switch there’ll be a heads up asking if you’ve played Undertale first or if you want to dive right in anyways. Personally, as someone who hasn’t played Undertale, I was still able to understand the game quite well. It doesn’t matter if you’ve played Undertale or not, you’ll still be able to understand the game quite well as Undertale characters aren’t too major to the story, or if they are somewhat important, have had some of their relations to be somewhat stripped away making this an AU, not a sequel.
If you’ve come for the story, I’d say that this is your average chosen heroes tale (which might change as the game wraps up development). Not groundbreaking, but not a bad story either. Fortunately the witty writing and likeable characters (with one exception) make up for this. If you’ve come for the gameplay, it really depends if you’re fast or slow paced with gameplay, as some fights against bosses are more fast paced than others, making it frustrating for players who are more slow paced. Some boss fights are also more slow paced and easy, which can be frustrating for more fast paced players.
Let’s get to the pros and cons; the biggest strength Deltarune has is with its characters and dialogue. Colors are also used nicely; bright but not eye bleeding, and the world areas you explore have lots of secrets and areas to wander around but don’t make you lost at any point in the game. The controls (at least for the Switch) are easy to learn and you can master them quickly.
Now the cons. Although the world designs and characters are cool, the world of Deltarune doesn’t exactly feel alive. Thankfully, there’s not too much of a problem with that. Also, I found it confusing how Undertale characters were in Deltarune, sticking to their original design but having some parts of them stripped away to make them somewhat different, a hard thing to adjust to if you’re an Undertale fan. Another con is how some parts of the game may feel a tad bit boring at times, mainly when you’re aimlessly wandering to find out where you’re supposed to go next.
Overall, I recommend Deltarune. It isn’t the best thing in the world, but it’s certainly a great game and I recommend it.