I have loved Clint Eastwood films and love Clint Eastwood himself. His directing and storytelling and producing has been wonderful and a breath of fresh air. Everyone of his films that I have watched up until this one have been pretty much fantastic. Yes they’re old-school yes they are of similar storyline and plot rather old fashion at times but they’re good quality wholesome films. This movie was not typical of a Clint Eastwood film. I am shocked by the positive reviews. The acting and the production quality and the directing are of worse caliber than many made-for-TV movies. Poor at best. I understand there needs to be some gruesome aspects to the nature of this film and it is a true story. But it certainly could’ve been told and shown in a much better way. I didn’t appreciate the language nor the nudity and it turned a B- movie into a solid C-
Good comedians that are naturally funny and good at what they do don’t need to use Vulgarity and cursewords to make people laugh. And good producers/directors who are good storytellers don’t need nudity and cursewords to make a good quality film. I don’t care that this is a drug cartel or that this is the reality of the situation.... it does nothing for the film. Focus on character development and focus on the story and focus on quality.... all of which Clint Eastwood has done up until this near disaster of a movie. I hope this wasn’t his last film and I hope this isn’t a new direction he has decided to pursue.