I think even though there were alot of great stories told that either the writers or who ever was in charged rushed through to end the show as quickly as they could the group of us who loved the show feel cheated and also feel that the way Aurther found out about Merlin was a joke ! there should have been alot more shows about aurther being taught how magic can be good as long as the user isnt using it for evil also as it was left the whole destiny was never fulfulled because magic is still outlawed was never completed camelot to become what it was destined to be you left it worse than before he took the throne ! My group is very very upset and have tagged the writers and producers of this show to make sure we never ever follow another by the people in charge of this one ! the followers we have on our site number over 1.5million people and not 1 single person is happy i sure hope you start Merlin again by saying season 5 was the way it would end had the king refused to accept magic in camelot because good writers surely came come up with 5 or more seasons by telling the stories of Merlin after Arther becomes king leading upto his final death his death was rushed and the whole story was ruined for the younger generation who never before heard of Camelot ! i have sons now that say it wasnt nothing special so thanks alot for ruining one of the greatest ever story about him and the knights of the round table !!