Quite possibly my favorite film of all time. This movie encompasses everything it takes to make a perfect film. Likeable protagonist, a story that keeps you interested the whole way through, perfect pacing, beautiful animation and editing, and a killer soundtrack.
I literally keep getting Angel of Love stuck in my head and it's been a while since I watched it.
This movie will have you wanting to watch it over and over again as you try to catch something you didn't see or notice the first time, or even just to enjoy the stellar voice acting that the original cast has to offer. Seriously. DON'T watch the English Dub. I know it's what elitists all say, but consider this, it's an anime from the late 90's, and the west didn't take dubbing all too seriously until mid to late 2000's.. Just do yourself a favor and watch it with subtitles. Everyone is very well voiced in Japanese :)