Unlike The Batman trilogy and Inception, the storyline simply took too long to come online, the concept of everything going backward in time except for the "time traveller" is easy to grasp, even if viewers didn't understand the fundamental cause behind how the technology was developed to decrease entropy. No mind boggling concept or wow moments. Expecting an exciting development to finding out the mastermind or expecting a twist would be wishful thinking. The movie can be summarized as 3rd rated and cliche.
Protagonist was at his "baby" stage of utilizing the technology throughout the whole movie, ending off implying that he would get better in the "future", and directed the whole operation that happened in the "past".
Some action filled scenes with no significant value added, with 1 scene seemingly a rip off from the likes of Fast & Furious, with insignificant flavour of time inversion to make it its own.
Save your time and money, give this a pass.