Another amazing installation in the Jordan Peele movies.
I rarely get left on the edge of my seat building up fear but this film certainly did just that.
The first half of the movie left me breathless with terror and anticipation for the monster reveal. The monster, hiding behind a plot of capitalism.
Normally, I would say no to monster reveal altogether but Peele took a aesthetically beautiful approach which left me stunned and in awe. Leaving you to admire what you're seeing for a brief moment in time.
The limited dialogue let you focus on the shots and plot alone. Continuously building up tension, Daniel Kaluuya says more with his expressions and stunning acting than if there was a large portion of speech.
I adored Kaluuya's personality for this film - giving a true representation to grief.
I'm shocked people can give this anywhere under a 3 - it is a thrilling film and a must see.