i have been playing call of duty games since the original modern warfare, we have had great games to terrible games with several of them falling in between that scale, but this call of duty is the absolute worst thing i have ever played. Being a huge fan of cod i am extremely dissapointed! To start off, i have exceptional internet, usually only takes me anywhere from 10-20 mins to download a new game but this garbage took 4hrs to fully complete with there being 6 different sections of the game to download and i only bought the standard package, but nobody here cares about that, lets get into gameplay. I always loved jumping right into multiplayer and trying to get a jumpstart on leveling up and getting the best stuff before everyone else but heres where i am extremely frustrated. My first match was rough, which is to be expected in any new game, i finished 10-18 in a game of domination but what gets me is that i was playing “core” and every single gun kills you in 2-3 bullets. You have absolutely zero time to react and counter attack at all, and i mean at all. You are instantly dead the second someone sprays a bullet at you. Now ive always been a fan of hardcore gameplay and the realism of it but this is core! I should atleast have a chance to get away, reheal and attepmt to fight back. What is the point in having tons of new guns and a million attachtments for your guns if every single gun kills you in 2-3 bullets, its ludicrous and dont even get me started on the typical non objective playing campers, the maps are so terrible with clear lanes that go across the entire map that encourages players to sit in the back prone and just wait for you to walk across the lane and again, die instantly. There is absolutely zero skill in the multiplayer and anyone who says differently has never played a decent call of duty game before. They fell very short on this game for me and i honestly wont be playing multiplayer again anytime soon until they fix some stuff. I have not yet played campain but i have heard good things so im optimistic that will be half way decent. For anybody who grew up playing all of the call of dutys, i suggest staying away from this one, its terrible and not worth your $70+ at the moment, the only plus i will give the multiplayer is that it does run very smoothly and looks very nice, but who are we kidding, that stuff doesnt mean anything if you cant stay alive long enough to enjoy it. For anyone who says this game is great and the best cod ever is either lying to sucker others into buying it or honestly they are just too young to even be playing the game and probably are too young to have experienced playing the older cods while they were in their prime. But this is one mans opinion, i just hope i save someone from wasting their money on such a terrible excuse for a call of duty game.