Some people are a bit critical. I get what most naysayers are pointing out. But, most folks complaining couldn't really tell you how it should've been made. They just know they don't like it. I, personally, liked it. And, yeah, I've watched all of them. As they were released. I love the concept of the Matrix. And to the person saying the personal jabs at social media and entertainment found in the movie were random or unrelated, you may need to rewatch the Matrix movies. Social media and entertainment are man-made constructs that distract us from reality. Sounding familiar?....
Another issue, here, is that some of these film critics didn't even pay attention to the movie. One critic from Variety said "Lana asks what if Neo had chosen the blue pill?". Yeah, nah..... that's not at all what the 4th installment was about. The movie is set 60 years in the future. And the flashbacks never say or even imply that he took the blue pill originally in this "retelling" as they like to refer to it. So, of course, after half of their attention was given to the movie for 2+ hours, they felt they knew enough about it to post an "accurate" review.