It's a good show but I would appreciate the show if they showed more amount of women empowerment.
To prove my point:
Love is not the only thing we need in life but self love tops the all kind of love
In the original and the second part showed that one of the women who the hero didint end up with always have the other women around them.
Why do the women need to surround man who has made it clear that they don't like them.
Even tho they are pretty independent try to find a good partner who loves you rather than running behind or resenting behind who doesn't love you or forcing them to love you
Dude if the same thing was done by a man then he would sure get beaten up or showed as a bad person
Ladies stop running behind men who are sure they like someone else.
Be loyal to yourself and stop expecting their love
Remember that guys also feel uncomfortable with someone they don't like
Soo if the guy doesn't like her why we are forcing him to be with her
Guys speak out about your choices.