Jaws: the revenge is the worst movie ever made. Steven Spielberg was smart not to direct the sequels. Jaws 2 was OK, but it was still pretty bad. Jaws 3-D is a trashy movie with bad acting and special effects. And Jaws 4, was just so pointless. The shark looked fake. The acting was the worst acting ever. Michael Caine didn’t deserve to be in that movie. The shark died in the most disturbing and messed up way possible. And everything about that movie made me want to cry. The people in the first movie worked hard and took their time. The shark looked real in the first movie. But in the sequels... I just wanted to throw up. If someone can explain to me why this movie is good, then please do so. But I think that for the rest of my ENTIRE life, this movie will always be the worst, most horrible, terrible, awful movie of all time. I would stay away from this movie. Don't even look at the poster, or watch the trailer. It is that bad. Trust me.
There is a scene where the shark roars. The shark roars like an actual lion. And it keeps repeating the same close up shot over and over again of the sharks gums. Ellen has a psychic connection with the shark. A PSYCHIC CONNECTION WITH THE SHARK!!! I can't believe this movie even got passed pre-production. Ellen even has flashbacks of places she never was.
Please never watch this movie, and if you read all of this, then you will know my true feelings of Jaws 4. And how much I loved the first movie.
Thank you for reading my review! I would go on longer, but I don't want to bore you.