A stupid and drawn out Black Mirror episode copycat. At the beginning, I was kinda intrigued by the way the story was told though this Instagram Live and Twitch stream combination and it seemed to have an okay grasp, if not hyperbolized and cliche version of modern internet culture. However, I was quickly proven wrong as this movie just got worse and worse. Didn't laugh once at the "comedy" aspect, everything is exaggerated to the point of it being nonsensical. If it was funny, perhaps I could suspend my disbelief. Unoriginal message of "DAE think SOCIAL MEDIA and CLOUT CHASING BAD?" Of course it is, and everyone knows that. Kurt's character is so exaggerated and his decisions make no sense. Elliot Rodger and incels at least come from a place that actually MAKES SENSE, of loneliness and hurt and rejection, and this is stupidly derivative of that while not actually being funny or making sense. Surprise.