I'm gonna give it 5 stars. But wait. Let me explain why I am giving it 5 stars.
I know the game is bugged, I know it has its flaws, I know the frustrations of last gen console players!
Fortunately I'm one of the lucky PC people! But I'll not be biased! I run a modest 1660 Super and R3600 PC.
For people who has/have/are played/playing Witcher, they know CDPR. They are very ambitious. I'm not supporting the studio or anything but Witcher 3 had a lot of bugs at launch but it has come a long way since, it's still one of the best looking or probably the best RPG of all time (my opinion).
CDPR is committed, amidst all the management pushing the launch, investors filing case, source code hack, delays after delays, promise after promise, fans hating, review bombing. I know they will fix everything by time.
I know and understand the pain of people who paid hard earned money to buy a non playable game in consoles or a buggy game in PC. But they (CDPR) are people too, they make mistakes, given their track record, I know they will fix it. Probably by this year with Free DLC.
All I ask is to give them a chance! Your money is not wasted. After all this blows after blows, all they need is support and not hatred! Trust me I was as angry as everyone seeing all the delays and especially infuriated at the launch! But now I feel pity for them! No one deserves such hatred! At this rate, I don't know if they will ever make another game say Witcher 4, if any one is to held responsible for that, it'd be us people entirely!
Now about the game. (Except the bugs)
This is a masterpiece! I have finished the game, took me 60+ hours with some side missions too.
The level of details in character development, background story, the immersion with every character, there's no other game to be compared with. Maybe, Probably Witcher 3 (I'm a W3 Fanboy, 160+ hours). But then again CP2077 is a phenomenon on its own!
People who has finished the game despite the bugs and stuff. Will probably won't mind the bugs, none of them is game breaking, all the game breaking ones are fixed already, at the max you load a previous autosave. People who had finished this game will understand the lengths the devs went to and the efforts they have put in doing so!
Overall this game is an ART! Please give CDPR a chance to redeem themselves. Do play the game and please finish it. You'll see what the game actually is!