Story-wise, I’m enjoying it quite a bit. I find the amount of interesting and unique side missions to be enthralling. The exploration is also fun, however it can be sometimes frustrating to check out a new area of city only to be mobbed by insanely high level opponents who instantly waste you. However, I understand this is status quo for most RPGs. Where I have problems with CP77 is its horrendous performance on current generation consoles. It really should have been released for PC and next-gen consoles only, as this thing runs at about 15-25 FPS and has Xbox 360 levels of graphics. Not a bad game, but certainly disappointing in comparison to what I expected from a game in-dev for seven to eight years. I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel like an unfinished product rushed out purely for reasons of profit and greed. Which is ironic, given the world it takes place in.