The drama depicts the UGLY side of HUMANITY.The prroblem has Plagued the WORLD for centuries.Despite the Awarenes,I found the drama Heartbreaking.The level of INHUMANITY whichthmthe the POOR are sujected to is Astounding!The Quiet Sufferings,the feeling of Helpness&Na UMEED is Devastatting.Although their plight is hard to IMAGINE I wasOu traged& had Tears in my eyes on learning the Bestia treatment they were subbjected to by the SEXUAL ,Psychotic clients.LOSS of INNOCENT lives kept me depressed for a long time.There are some Heart Warming scenes to make one feel GOOD. The Acting by Major Players is Very Good. The only thing I found Unpalatale was the characterization of the ,Father,treament of the Family&sudden Transformation.Hope Springs Eternal in Human Breast said Alexander Pope.I Hope people will see this drama to gain some Empaty,Sympaty&maybe a Little Action!