I grew up playing oddysey and exoddus, loved them to pieces. Even found new n tasty enjoyable but I can without a doubt say that I will never play this game again. It’s a buggy glitchy mess that makes getting through the game extremely unfair. Getting the timing and routine down perfectly was part of the fun of the original games but in soulstorm it doesnt matter how well you do certain areas it will glitch out and you’ll unfairly die or not be able to save everyone. The double jump is clunky and lags, the hanging rails don’t work like they’re supposed to, possession is only the L2 button which constantly throws me off and instead of it possessing automatically you now have to manually move it to the slig - but not all sligs can be possessed and some now have missiles. The cut scenes are too long, the dialog is awkward, the crafting and using throwable items doesnt flow with how it would be done in other games plus you have to pay for crafting items using in game money. Theres no real wildlife apart from sleeches which are basically fleeches that move like ghosts and are afraid of the dark. You cant possess glukkons, you cant fart or whistle, so many of the buttons are different.
You cant blow up chant blockers with the shrykul and you don’t even chant to use it, it’s a “throwable” item. Theres no quicksave and sometimes the save points don’t even load so it will take you to one that you were at 45 minutes ago.
I could seriously go on and on all day about how disappointed I am in this game about they had years to produce something worth while, when instead they gave us something that doesnt even appear to have been play tested. Don’t waste your money, I wish I hadnt.