Eh the movies alright it came out when I was a toddler so I didn’t get to experience it at the time. It had its really cute moments but her breaking the chair in every other scene sort of ruined the sentiment. I really liked what the hypnotist had to say but let’s be realistic here no matter how “wok” you are you’re just as bias as Jack Black was in this movie. Overweight people get glares and stares every day in their life and don’t pretend you don’t give them.
I knew this movie would get pretty negative reviews from the younger generation. They need to remember this movie out before they were born, times have change people have changed a movie like this would never come out today they would be canceled immediately.
When younger people dig up movies and games from over 20 years ago just to point out every flaw and out “wok” they are it’s pretty obnoxious ngl.
If you get offended easily don’t watch any movie made before 2015