I can’t post my long review because I don’t know why…. But do not play this game…I’ve played every Bethesda game ever and HATE this game. It sucks. It sucks a lot even after a year later. I want to play it but my god its so bland and boring!!
Go play No Mans Sky or something, but save yourself a few hours of saying “it’ll get better” because it doesn’t!
This game is so unbelievably boring that I’m amazed Bethesda could make something worse than Fallout 4. Starfield sucks so bad it hurts. I want to play it…but it’s so bad.
Hundreds of empty worlds. Belligerent as heck NPCs and nothing you ever do means anything ever. People can even hate you and then love you after one sentence and then go back to hating you when you walk away. Nothing means anything.
Quests fail mid quest, space combat is almost nonexistent and the crafting and ship building is too convoluted and felt unnecessary anyway. 20hrs in I was still 2-3 hitting people out of stealth. Out of stealth because anything and everything breaks your stealth even with the useless af chameleon gear and I play stealth builds predominantly in any game. So I played Dishonored 2 for my stealth fix and went back to No Mans Sky for my scifi getaway.
I know you may like Bethesda games as much or even more than me, but this is not a game, this is just beautiful scenery with a bunch of nothing sprinkled all over everything….stay away. Go play No Mans Sky, you’ll be way more entertained by it. Me with 335hrs of NMS play and 20hrs of Starfield play. DO NOT PLAY THIS HORRIBLE GAME. Bethesda is not the same company we all grew up with. They are a nasty little dev group owned by an even nastier parent company. STAY! AWAY!!