We have just purchased this game for a week, and we are unbelievably impressed! The storyline is strong and there are lots of interesting side quests to ensure the length of the game is definitely over 10 hours. The missions become more difficult to achieve as you also grow stronger and get to know your character better. Arthur is a complicated protagonist that struggles between goodness and sin. While you make decisions that dictate either you are more good or evil, the characters alongside you provide comments to remind you to remain your humanity and changes. All the characters in the game have quite an amount of dialogue to offer so players get a good understanding of each of their personalities. On your journey throughout the game, Arthur will come across a lot of side characters and pedestrians, each of their response will ensure you never a dull moment in the game. Getting robbed and randomly chased will also become the norm.
This is a game with high details. Such things from the season changing to the length of Arthurs's beard. The development team has done a great job making sure that while enrolling a cut-scene the beard length is not bugged out and suddenly changes into the "preset cut-scene look". The design of some pedestrians' AI is also very surprising. We have encountered a man walking by asking us if we've seen his friend "Gevin" and a couple chapters later we meet the same man again in a different city! Arthur talked briefly to the man asking if he has found his friend yet. This detail really mazed us! This encounter is not of the unusual, careful while passing by pedestrians, their conversation could be very interesting and some times even includes some clues to where could be your next robbery or some backstories. It's these details that truly make this game amazing and alive. I hope everyone that purchased this game can have the same enjoyment as us.