Stranger Things Season 3 is over the top ridiculous. The Russian story line is way off base compared to the first two seasons. The Duffer's are grasping, make that gasping, for new ideas that simply fall flat. Not impressed at all with season 3.
Parts of the Russian story line made me feel like "The Goonies" have met "The Terminator". Nothing original here.
The language has gotten horrific. OK, yeah, I know, kids swear, but not all kids. There is no way I'd let my teen-age or younger children watch this potty-mouth festival. Really? The Duffer's supposedly caved to the cast members desire to degrade the show. Looks like the tail is wagging the dog, and the dog is dying a slow death.
Another story line where I read the Duffer's caved to cast members was the episode 7 "coming out". This adds nothing to the story other than making a social statement. I want entertainment, not social statements. I've got CNN, The View and Fox News if I was a social discourse.
Duffer's, when season 4 debuts I will give you a chance to get back on track. However, if the kids are talking like sailors on a weekend liberty I will drop the show like a hot potato. I won't watch beyond the first episode.