Good morning I just finished this book and it’s 4:15am and it took me about three days but oh my god I couldn’t put it down. Every car ride and tiny sliver of alone time on my vacation I spent reading this book. I more than recommend it, I URGE you to get it. Its technically historical fiction, but the way time is arranged keeps you on the edge of your seat. the main characters are so well described it’s like you know them, but better than you know anyone because it’s told by an omniscient narrator so you can peer into their thoughts. It’s marvelous. There is also a thread of cosmic horror(ish) throughout so if you like old gods and mysticism it ticks that box. Actually so sad it’s finished and I tried to save the last few chapters to keep it unfinished as long as I could but I physically could not and I stayed up all night to see its conclusion