Here let me start with the truth. I will flat out tell you it is very hard to start this anime. The main character screams so much my ears might have bled a bit. BUT the outcome of the show is so amazing that I would listen to him screaming on loop any day. Black clover is in my top 5. The amount of character development they do is insane and it doesn’t get the respect it should, because of all the screaming (I swear it’s really annoying in the sub and the dub). Anyways if you have shot down this show because of a petty reason, I beg to differ and that it’s definitely worth the suffering. I kind of see it as an metaphor. We struggle just like the main character, but different lol. So watch it!
Also there is a lot of people saying that there is too much filler. I would like for those people to rewatch the episodes and rethink. This anime takes their filler and make it a part of the bigger pitcher. Yeah they might spend a bit too long in one place but the amount of story they are squeezing out with almost 2 years of an episode each week minus one or a few, but that is expected. I am on episode 96 and I can say all of that filler makes the story that much better.