This show gets science all wrong. For one thing they completely and utterly screw up the meaning of what hertz is and how many hertz per second a frequency is measured by. Not to mention they ignore basic physics, throwing a bunch of pseudoscience and astrophysics in your face, they make you believe that a starship can be stuck in a debris field from exploding planet like it wouldn't dissipate exponentially for every 100,000 km it traveled outward. The story doesn't seem to have any general direction, it just seems to be hurled into any direction with each episode wasting time on a new problem that really in the real world wouldn't exist, and in no way has any actual bearing on the real storyline or objective. But, I always try to say something nice, so I will say this the cast does a great job playing the roles that they're given with the garbage writing that they receive. There are plenty of very talented actors who make the show somewhat worth watching if you can ignore the science behind it and just try to take it for the ride along that it is but for someone who analyzes everything this show gets really annoying because it ignores real world science and physics.