It wasn’t a bad game by itself, but it did fail to meet up to the atmosphere and surprise the Original game had. I think the story also faults at times, and the writing is a lot more hand holding then the last one. The last one you could infer what their is to do next by the PDA entries and clues around, now it just feels like they tell us everything exactly. I also think the story would’ve been much more intriguing and fun if they stuck with the plot line they had before the rewrite. It was much more compelling. creatures aren’t as terrifying in this one, but I do think it would be hard to recreate the iconic creature from the first.
I know it was trying to branch off from the first Subnautica a bit but I think it branched off too far. It feels more like a knock off of the original rather then a continuation of the story.
This is just my personal opinion of course, but I wished they kept the voice actors from the first early access. I still think all did a great job however.
I think the sea monkeys are really cute though. Good addition. They get annoying at times but I still love them