Movie as usual over filled with unrealistic action and situations. Director must be very careful about reality based movies , about facts and that time ground reality.
When some body making film on history he must be very careful about fact and truth, he can compromise with entertainment, But movie entertain you most not tells much facts.
Concept of one nation at that time was not exist, some other local issues were there director didn't consider this. Rani Laxmibai had no link with him. She was never in fort of Gwalior, and She had never a situation like shown in movie. This type of act in movie some where diliute the real facts and impressions of These great Heroes over our less literate indian public.
Movie entertainment you most but little lengthy, for the knowledge and understanding point of view it raise one question only , who was Sye raa narsimha reddy? Why only reddy peoples are making film on him. You can not understand the ground real situation of that time people and their war strategies. Director didn't do any research on the background, he relies most on Chinies style action only and grand setup. Most of the time it seems computersed and fake.