Based on Andy Weir’s 2011 novel, The Martian directed by Ridley Scott is a thrilling sci-fi movie
that revolves around a stranded astronaut who is left behind by his crew presumed dead on
Mars, Matt Damon as the lead actor in his movies justified the true spirit of a human survival
instinct. During a mission to planet Mars, a NASA astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed to
be dead after a powerful storm and left behind by his crew. Watney survives and finds himself
stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With insufficient food supplies, he must depend upon
his wisdom and resourcefulness to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.
Whole movie focuses on the survival skill of an astronaut to find a way to get back home.
Director Ridley Scott makes you feel the heartbreaking isolation of human soul far away from
home. Mesmerizing cinematography of Dariusz Wolski leaves you with stunning and spectacular
visual experience. The screenplay is well developed and gripping. Matt Damon’s acting is outstanding. I highly recommend this movie to all the sci-fi lovers, the movie keeps you on the edge of your
seats as you wait to watch whether Watney returns to earth or not. It’s a movie I recommend for
all the ages in the family. It really helps you appreciate what we have on earth and inspires you
with the survival skills.