Being an avid fan of the original books and of the first movies/tv series that came out I was excited to hear that a new movie was coming out. However having now watched the new "swallows & amazons" I am not even sure the producer's of this movie have even read the book. I understand the need to remove small parts from the original, to ensure that the book can be made into a decent length movie but to remove alot of the original and replace it with completely made up plots that never existed in the books is absurd. The books are about the "SWALLOWS" and the "AMAZONS" however the amount of screen time the Amazons get is ridiculous, the 2 spies following Capt Flint/Jim Turner get more time and they are never mentioned in all of the 12 original books. If you intend to make a movie from a book at least keep most of the original book in the movie or it just a disrespectful to the original author. Makes me want to start a GoFundMe page to raise funds and reproduce the ALL the books keeping with the original spirit in which they were written.