Came across the question, "What is your favorite movie of all time?" Indiana Jones. Star Wars. All of the classics were at one point "My favorite". But when I just came across the question recently, THIS MOVIE was the first thing that popped into my head. A nearly perfect movie from beginning to end.
EDIT: I had to respond to another review that preceded mine by Hetvi Shah. What movie is this person talking about? Their review starts with some very generic criticism that really could be an opinion by anyone of any movie. The idea that this movie isn't provocative or "cutting edge" in some important way, makes me wonder if they're talking about a different movie. The line "it's about as likable and massmarketed as possible" is absolutely wrong when talking about the Shawshank Redemption. Anyone who looks into the history of this film knows that it is notorious for being perhaps the best movie ever to bomb at the box office. Why did it bomb? Largely because it WASN'T mass-marketed and the name itself doesn't explain what the movie is about. As a result, there wasn't a huge motivation for people to go see the film.
Some people are just so wrong they need to be called out.