Today, Chris, you really did a hatchet job on President Trump. We listened for 15 minutes while Admiral Mike Mullen damned the President. His use of the word "this President" sounded suspicious, as he ended his comment on how hard it is for Milly (?) to do his job. Then you revealed that Mullen had hoped to be on Hillary Clinton's ticket in 2016 and hopes to be there with Biden. By that time, most viewers had absorbed all the criticism that you made available, given Esper's "break" with the President. You capped it off with, "Should he step down?" The only place the American conservative can hear something that gives them hope that America will prevail as a nation is through Fox. That was a sneaky trick that you pulled, withholding Mullen's identity. What else would you have expected him to say? The man wants to be in the White House.