I love to watch Mike Rowe because no matter the job he makes the best of everything . He is a hard worker, he laughs at himself and his camera crew I do believe that he has tried just about everything out there.he has made jam , milked cows , cleaned poo, worked in wool,chips,Mike is so polite to women . He needs to come work at apac in chandler n.c. it’s a paving company shoveling asphalt cleaning there machines learn how to pave . Ask for teddys team . Then go to champion in canton n.c it’s a paper mill you need to see what it takes to make cups ,plates, paper products.ask for Robbie moody thank you Mike Rowe for making t.v . Interesting for everyone. Love Tenia Wood if you come to Waynesville N. C look me up 307 Oakdale rd 28786