I loved the first two seasons. It was Intriguing and intellectually stimulating. The visual effects were authentic and stunning. I also enjoyed the absence of the absurd technobabble of trying to explain all the things that defy current laws of physics. The third season went off the rails a bit with the absurd love triangle. As if Starbuck would want to leave her perfect match and stud pyramid/guerrila warrior for the petulant Jarhead Lee Adama; especially after pining for him and rescuing him from Caprica. Starbucks’s death and resurrection was a head scratcher and would have made more sense to have her as a guiding angel rather than a fully resurrected human if the plan was to kill her off. The 5 missing Cylon models went too far down the rabbit hole to logically explain. All in all, very enjoyable and definitely a top 5 Sci Fi. (The Expanse is my favorite).