the stalker shown here is mentally ill and somehow she never gets help, given she was prosecuted previously?! However unhinged she was as an adult(which is not forgivable) her childhood and teen years were spent in an unstable home - somewhat understandable.
compared to this, the "victim" has no issue in his home, no issue while growing up but still ends up engulfing himself in trouble again & again and taking no action to get away, instead enjoys the drama. IMHO the protagonist should not have any platform to showcase his pathetic deranged weak character. throughout the series i kept muttering "yea you deserve this" while increasingly getting disgusted watching these type of characters getting a face in mass media. there's no justification for his actions and no one to blame except for himself, specially when he knowingly goes back to the guy's apartment and he knowingly encourages martha's obsession (and if ending is to be believed he still is). people near/close to him are the real victim, this guy deserved all and more that's happened. Can't believe Netflix okayed this pathetic story.