This movie of spiritual warfare reminds me a lot of Sam Raimi's early cult classic, 'Evil Dead.'
The moment the film's credits open the basis for what is to come is wonderfully illustrated through hand drawn various historical scenario's such as Hitler and the burning of the witches; with the devil in the background in each picture acting as a puppeteer if you will.
When the friends first arrive in the cabin for a weekend of fun it starts off jovially. This is where the writing and character development pulls one into the movie and the characters. The comedic relief helps to balance the horrors these wonderful characters will experience, one by one.
Finding a book of spells in the basement, a girl is compelled to read and finish the spell to conjure up the demon 'Beelzebub.' The interesting thing about this movie is they hold much to Holy Ancient Biblical Writ posing the question, 'if people believe in angels - why don't they believe in demons.'
As the spell is read and it passes this demon from the spiritual to the physical world it possesses each character one by one.
I won't ruin the movie for you by delving into the ending, but I do encourage you to put the lights down low; pop that popcorn and get comfortable firstly, then turn on the movie. It's going to be a fun, thrilling and bumpy ride. Most fun of all, one can watch this movie for free right on Tubi Tv: an extremely professionally platformed free tv/movie forum you can find right on the internet or your phone by simply typing into your search line Tubi Tv. Bring your teddy to bed, you are going to need it xo