The film is based on a Nabarun Bhattacharya's Novel by Same Name. The Novel is an exceptionally great work by Nabarun for its unconventional way of storytelling and the honest expressions of characters against relentless reality. It was awarded Sahitya Academy Award for its brilliance. The movie is smart adaptation of the same by Suman Mukhopadhya with profound laughter, pathos, and humanity. The movie begins with Herbert Sarkar, the protagonist of the film, cursing a group of people. As the movie proceeds it revels the hidden corners of Herbert’s life in a nonlinear way. He lost his parents accidentally in his childhood. He became a crank ridiculed and ill-treated by everyone including his cousin Dhanna. However his aunt cared him very much. His cousin Krishna and his nephew Binu also loved him. The movie also depicts his struggle to adapt to his surrounding, his tragic love affair with Banalota, his introduction of Communism and the idealism of Lenin, Mao, Stalin, the Maoist Naxalbari movement during the turbulent seventies and his unwitting involvement with that. After Binu’s death Herbert claims that Binu has revealed the location of the diary to him in his dream and he can communicate with dead people. It leads to set up a business under the banner “Dialogues with the dead”. Even in this business his struggle continues. Rationalist Society declares him a fraud and finally he committed suicide. After his body is put inside the electric cremation chamber, and the switch turned on, the chamber explodes.. The incident hits the headlines as a posthumous terroristic act, and a police inquiry is launched to find the mystery behind it. At the end, it was revealed that Binu, during his last visit with Herbert, hid a few dynamite inside Herbert's sleeping mattress and though he would come back in time to take those out but he was before that. After Herbert died Dhanna sends the mattress along with the dead body for cremation. Once inside the cremation chamber, the grenades catch fire and explode. Perhaps the explosion symbolised the outcome of all anger, hate, protest which were remained hidden and unexpressed inside Herbert throughout his life.
It is a deeply moving and artistic work by Suman Mukhopadhya.