I was moved by the scenes between mother and son in this movie, especially towards the end. However, I as another reviewer also wrote could not figure out why she gave her last money to bums on the street and not her son before she killed herself when as far as the audience knows he is about to get married with zero to offer his new bride, no career , and did he go to college? Also several comments on the extra people at the end in the apartment rang true. Kooky last third of film 100%. But no more kooky than breakfast at Tiffany's in my opinion. In real life the first thing on the agenda after arriving in Paris was the son needed to get a JOB to support Mom. Something to help? This never even was discussed? No meeting bout how much we have money wise and how long it will realistically last? So job imperative? I liked this movie and loved the fashion as I am in the fashion industry but it begs a lot of questions we will never know answers to.Why was cat following her on her way to commit suicide? Excuse typos please if any.