Call of duty campaign was truly amazing it made you feel like your involved and seeing the side of war that other games especially in the call of duty series don’t show. Yeah there were moments in the campaign that were I guess you could say “rough” and hectic, but it’s what actually happens in the battle field and war torn countries but just saying the campaign should of been longer and had more to end on it (I’m not giving spoilers away) but best campaign I’ve played out of all cods maybe all games I’ve encountered. Multiplayer is incredible just needs... something new to it to get the hype up and about but it’s so fun to play and get into. Special ops is so fun and good to play with mates! ( especially if they have mics is so much easier), it’s hard but it’s something you’ll be working on for a while!
The game overall is a 9/10 it’s sensational what this game has brought to the community and yes it does need a touch up on things but still I recommend getting it playing campaign 1st then hop into online.