Personally I’m not impressed. I was really excited because I really like Kate Mara as an actress. I am also usually intrigued by those kind of real life straight from the headlines stories. However their relationship happened pretty quickly with very little hesitation. I think she had one moment of pause and then since then it has just been them just screwing wherever they can as much as they can. They try to romanticize it a bit and take the taboo out of it by making the teacher look like she’s 14 and of course make the student look like a college student so viewers can digest the situation and maybe even root for them. It comes off more like some married woman’s fantasy mid life crisis screwing a hot, smart, popular, teenage athlete instead of the real life destructive and damaging situations that these really are. It’s been pretty boring just watching them screw in the car or the cabin etc week after week. I usually get up and start doing something else or start playing with my phone. I figured I may as well finish the series and I’m hoping it gets better.